Baby Got Back

Posture is my biggest pet-peeve! I know how hard we all try to “stand up straight,” but unfortunately, your muscles control posture more than your mind does.

If achieving better posture is your goal, then training your lats, mid-traps, and rhomboids is your solution!

Step 1: Train your Lats by using the assisted pull-up machine at your gym!

  • The higher the pin, the MORE the machine will assist you.
  • Begin by selecting the pin lowest on the weight stack.
  • Perform 15 reps, making sure that arms straighten at the bottom and that you hear the “ding” of the weight stack at the top of each pull-up.
  • Make sure to squeeze your shoulders back at the top of each rep and lift your chest up toward the ceiling.
  • Perform multiple sets until you find the pin that allows you to do exactly 15 reps with great form. If you feel that you could have done 2 more reps, then you are not pushing yourself enough. It’s time to lower your assistance!
  • Week 1: Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions at the most challenging weight (rest for 90-120 seconds in between sets)
  • Week 2: Decrease the pin by 1-2 pins. Perform 3 sets of 12 repetitions at the most challenging weight  (rest for 90-120 seconds in between sets)
  • Week 3: Decrease the pin by an additional 1-2 pins. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions at the most challenging weight  (rest for 90-120 seconds in between sets)
  • Week 4: Decrease the pin by an additional 1-2 pins. Perform 4 sets of 10 repetitions at the most challenging weight  (rest for 90-120 seconds in between sets)
  • Week 5: Repeat week 1 at a more intense weight, if possible

Step 2: Train your mid-traps and rhomboids by performing single arm dumb bell rows.

  • Let’s start by using a 10 lb dumb bell
  • Begin with the left knee and left hand supported upon a bench. The right leg should be slightly bent and parallel with the left leg. The right arm should be parallel with the left arm, grasping the dumb bell, with the palm pointed behind you.
  • Focus on pulling the dumb bell into your arm-pit, so that your elbow is moving straight up on a 45 degree angle between your torso and your shoulder.
  • Squeeze your right shoulder back as the dumb bell passes your arm pit and think about sticking the chest out as you pull the bell behind your back.
  • Slowly lower and repeat.
  • Perform 15 reps, making sure that the right arm straightens at the bottom of each rep.
  • Perform multiple sets until you find the weight that allows you to do exactly 15 reps with great form. If you feel that you could have done 2 more reps, then you are not pushing yourself enough. It’s time to get a heavier dumb bell!
  • Week 1: Using the most challenging weight possible to pull with great form, perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions (rest for 90-120 seconds in between sets).
  • Week 2: Increase your dumb bell weight by 5 pounds. Perform 3 sets of 12 repetitions. (rest for 90-120 seconds in between sets).
  • Week 3: Increase your dumb bell weight by 5 pounds. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
  • (rest for 90-120 seconds in between sets).
  • Week 4: Increase your dumb bell weight by 5 pounds. Perform 4 sets of 10 repetitions.
  • (rest for 90-120 seconds in between sets).
  • Week 5: Repeat week 1 using a dumb bell 5 lbs heavier than your original attempt. Repeat weeks 6-8 by following the same guideline (rest for 90-120 seconds in between sets).

Step 3: Train your lats by performing cable straight arm front pull downs.

  • Let’s start by using 15 lbs on the cable stack
  • Using a straight bar attachment, place your hand-grip in line with your shoulders and take a big step back from the cable column.
  • With feet parallel and hip width apart, knees bent, and lower-back arched, pull your hands to your thighs while keeping your elbows in a locked position.
  • Squeeze your shoulders back at the bottom of each motion and remember to continue to stick your butt out!
  • Slowly allow your arms to return to the top of the cable column and repeat.
  • Perform multiple sets until you find the weight that allows you to do exactly 15 reps with great form. If you feel that you could have done 2 more reps, then you are not pushing yourself enough. It’s time to increase the weight stack!
  • Week 1: Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions (rest for 90-120 seconds in between sets)
  • Week 2: Increase the weight by 5 lbs. Perform 3 sets of 12 repetitions (rest for 90-120 seconds in between sets)
  • Week 3: Increase the weight by 5 lbs. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions (rest for 90-120 seconds in between sets)
  • Week 4: Increase the weight by 5 lbs. Perform 4 sets of 10 repetitions (rest for 90-120 seconds in between sets)
  • Week 5: Repeat week 1 using 5 lbs more than originally used for this rep range. Repeat weeks 6-8 by adding an addition 5 lbs per week.