Eat right for your body type (Part 3): Your Macronutrient Breakdown

Differences in body structure lead to differences in bodily functions. Therefore, different body structures will absolutely dictate what foods are best digested and absorbed by each body type:

Ectomorphs excel in endurance sports, which means that carbohydrates are well tolerated and dominate as the primary energy source for metabolism.

  • There is a universal inverse relationship between carbohydrate and fat intake; when carbohydrate intake is high, fat intake should be low (and vice versa).
  • Since ectomorphs require more carbohydrates than other body types, they also require less fat than other body types.

The suggested average starting percentages for daily macronutrient intake are:

  • Protein: 25%
  • Carbohydrates: 55%
  • Fat: 20%

Mesomorphs excel in bodybuilding and strength, which means that more protein is required for muscle building.

  • Since carbohydrates are only moderately tolerated by mesomorphs, fewer are required as a fuel source.
  • There is a universal inverse relationship between carbohydrate and fat intake; when carbohydrate intake is high, fat intake should be low (and vice versa).
  • Since mesomorphs are somewhat intolerant to carbohydrates and require less of them, they also require more dietary fat. In turn, increased fat further supports muscle gain when adequate amounts of protein are ingested.

The suggested average starting percentages for daily macronutrient intake are:

  • Protein: 30%
  • Carbohydrates: 40%
  • Fat: 30%

Endomorphs excel in absolute strength exercise, such as power-lifting events, which means that maximal amounts of protein are required to fuel muscle growth and repair.

  • This body type tolerates carbohydrates the least.
  • There is a universal inverse relationship between carbohydrate and fat-intake; when carbohydrate intake is high, fat intake should be low (and vice versa).
  • Therefore, endomorphs need fewer carbohydrates and more fats for energy-production than for any other body type.

The suggested average starting percentages for daily macronutrient intake are:

  • Protein: 35%
  • Carbohydrates: 25%
  • Fat: 40%


  1. I have cut my night-time starches because of your articles and I have lost 2 lbs in 1 week. You rock, Lauren! Thanks so much!