Start 2015 off strong with New Year’s Resolution #1: Implement Interval Training

I hate cardio, but the harsh truth (from mother nature, not me!!!) is that you’re not going to burn off your “holiday fun” without doing it. Cardio doesn’t have to be long and boring. You don’t even need a gym to do it! Here is my New Year’s cardio strategy:

  • 1) Plan your cardio. Success requires planning. Find 30 minutes-1 hour 3 days/week and schedule your cardio. I suggest aiming to hit your cardio at the same time each day. Why? Because routines are easier to establish and harder to break.
  • 2) Make yourself a music play-list (or several) that totals anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour in length. Make sure the jams you choose will pump you up and help you to take your mind off of whatever  you are doing!
  • 3) Hit your neighborhood hard by performing 1-block-long jogging intervals. It’s so easy to do! Just walk for 1 block and then jog the next block.  Repeat this until the play-list ends. Do this 3 days a week on an empty stomach and you are bound to see results!

That’s it!  We’re just going to add a little walk/run through the neighborhood a few times per week.  It’s all about baby steps!  Check back during the week for more tips on how to build your personalized 2013 exercise and nutrition plan! Let’s get you the body you want this year!

Do you have fitness/nutrition-related questions? Is there a topic that you would like me to blog on?

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