Want Superior Gluts? Eat your Superfoods!
Superfoods have an abundance of macronutrients, micronutrients, and phytonutrients. These foods tend to be lower in calories, higher in fiber, and provide a great source of energy for intense leg workouts!
I recommend adding at least 1 serving per day from the following superfoods list:
- lean red meat (93% lean, top round, sirloin)
- salmon
- omega-3 eggs
- low-fat, plain yogurt (lactose-free if possible)
- protein supplement (milk protein isolates, whey protein isolates, or vegan protein sources
Fruits & Vegetables
- spinach
- tomatoes
- cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower)
- mixed berries
- oranges
Other Carbohydrates
- mixed beans
- quinoa
- whole oats
Good Fats
- mixed nuts
- avacados
- extra virgin olive oil
- fish oil
- flax seeds (ground)
- green tea
- liquid exercise drinks (quickly digested carbohydrates and protein)
- greens+ (vegetable concentrate supplement)