Eat right for your body type (1/5): Your body structure determines your function

There are 3 basic body structures:

  • Ectomorph(naturally thin with thin limbs)
  • Mesomorph(naturally muscular/athletic)
  • Endomorph(naturally broad/thick)


Everybody should fall into one of these categories.

The structure of our body dictates which activities we will perform best and worst in:

Ectomorphs tend to predominate in endurance exercise.

  • The primarily challenges for individuals with this body type include gaining muscle size and strength.

Mesomorphs perform best in bodybuilding and strength exercises.

  • The primary challenges for individuals with this body type include building muscle mass while simultaneously keeping body fat percentage low.

Endomorphs excel in absolute strength exercises, such as power-lifting events.

  • The primary challenge for individuals with this body type is body fat loss, particularly in the trunk.

Stay fit, stay happy, stay healthy, and stay tuned for “Eat Right for your Body Type” Parts 1-5, including:

  • Part 2: Learn how your body type determines your metabolic rate, nervous system activity, which hormones dominate, and your carbohydrate tolerance.
  • Part 3: Learn how many carbohydrates, protein, and fats someone with your body type truly requires
  • Part 4: Learn why your body does or does not tolerate starchy carbohydrates efficiently
  • Part 5: The best foods to consume before, during, and after your workouts, considering your body type


  1. This makes so much sense to me. I have been training wrong for 3 years! As soon as I followed your tips and stopped buying into Women’s Health Magazine, my body started to change in a major way. Great posts!

  2. Thanks so much Lauren! I have lost 20 lbs in the past 2 months just from taking your online advice!

    You are better in words than any trainer I have ever worked with in person! I can’t wait to meet you!