How to Gain Lean Muscle Mass

  • In order to gain weight in the form of muscle mass, two factors are of most importance: diet and resistance exercise. Additional calories are needed in order to accomplish this goal during resistance exercise. If all additional calories consumed are used for muscle growth, then approximately 2,500 of extra kilocalories are required for one pound of desired increase in lean muscle growth per week. Therefore 350-700 additional kcal calories more than daily requirements would support this mass gain and the necessary energy requirements for training.
  • This increase in calories can be accomplished by increasing meal sizes, eating more frequently, or by choosing higher-calorie foods. Ideally, one should be eating at least 5 times per day. Meal replacement drinks are a great way to achieve results for those who find it difficult to consume this many meals per day.
  • Muscle gains require increased amounts of protein. These needs are estimated to be 1.5-2g/kg of body weight per day.