My Current Leg Experiment

Over the past 4 years, I have been determined to gain muscle mass in my thighs. My efforts to constantly lift heavy have definitely proved to be worthwhile. However, my legs have been slow to respond to my consistently increasing loads, and still are not as developed as much as I desire. Over the next 12 weeks, I will be implementing German Volume Training to my leg program.

This is how the system works:

  • Aim for 10 sets of 10 reps, using the most efficient exercises; choose exercises that recruit a lot of muscle mass
  • Superset between synergist (primary mover) and antagonist
  • Use a tempo of 40×0; lower the weight for 4 seconds (eccentric action) and immediately change direction and lift explosively (concentric action)
  • Rest 90 seconds in between exercises. Use a stopwatch
  • When all ten sets of 10 reps are completed, the weight can be increased on either or both exercises by 2.5-5% the following week. Remember; the goal is NOT to max out during each set. The last few sets should be the most difficult.
  • After completing 10×10, superset 2 other “bang for your buck” exercises. Do 3 sets of 8 reps with 90-second-long rest intervals.

I began this program last week. I will be doing legs 2 days/week. My program for the next 10.5 weeks will look like this:

Legs-Day 1
Barbell Squats 10×10 Week 1: 65 lb (too light) Week 2: 75 lb
*Superset with*
Prone Hamstring Curls 10×10 Week 1: 50 lb (too light) Week 2: 65 lb
90 seconds of rest in between exercises

Hack Squat 3×8 Week 1: 50 lb (too light) Week 2: 60 lb
*Superset with*
1 Leg Romanian Dead-lifts 3×8 Week 1: 30 lb (too light) Week 2: 35 lb
90 seconds of rest in between exercises


Legs-Day 2
Romanian Dead-lifts 10×10 Week 1: 85 lb (too light) Week 2: 95 lb
*Superset with*
Seated Leg Extensions 10×10 Week 1: 85 lb (perfect) Week 2: 85 lb
90 seconds of rest in between exercises

Seated Hamstring Curls 3×8 Week 1: 110 lb (too light) Week 2: 120 lb
*Superset with*
Barbell Front Lunge 3×8 Week 1: 65 lb (too light) Week 2: 75 lb
90 seconds of rest in between exercises