My favorite Protein Bars

I’ve never been a fan of protein bars because most contain more carbohydrates and fats than they do protein. However, many of my clients rely on bars as a quick and easy means to “eat on the go.” Of course, I’d rather that they had a protein-worthy snack on-hand at all times rather than a spontaneous “eat-what-ever I can get my hands on” kind of mentality.

One of my clients recently discovered the “No Gii” Bar and I’m so happy that he told me about it. It’s by far the best bar that I have seen on the market and these are the reasons it is superior to many other bars:

  • It’s gluten-free! (I believe that most people have an intolerance to gluten and I almost always advocate a gluten-free diet)
  • It’s all natural! (In recent years I have tried to eliminate most whey and chemical-based products from my diet)
  • It’s actually a protein bar! It has equal or more protein than it does carbs or fats
  • It provides a fantastic macro-nutrient balance: 20 grams of protein, 20 grams of carbs, and only 8 grams of fat
  • They have Paleo Bars and bars for children
  • They are low in sugar and don’t contain any artificial sugars or sugar alchohols
  • No Gii tastes more like a candy bar than it does a protein bar
  • The 230 calorie bars are a great meal replacement for women who want to lose weight OR build muscle and a great snack for men who want to do the same

No Gii is by far my favorite bar! And that’s coming from someone who doesn’t even believe in bars! Give this one a shot and let me know what you think!

-Stay Happy, stay healthy, stay strong, and stay gluten-free!


